Who Is Jennifer

It’s all about the story.

From her earliest memories of tales told around her grandmother’s kitchen table – stories of struggle, survival, and working the land – to the rich personal histories and unfolding journeys of the many fascinating people she has encountered throughout her life, stories have always mattered to Jennifer McCord. Jennifer loves the story, and she knows that a story unshared is a story lost.

With more than thirty years of success in the publishing industry and a well-earned national reputation for publishing expertise and creativity coaching, Jennifer heads an experienced team of story editors, line editors, designers, proofreaders, indexers, and other book and publishing professionals that can help you to realize your dreams in the publishing industry.

Whether you’re seeking a mainstream publishing deal or a path to self-publishing, Jennifer McCord Associates can help you every step of the way. Through our full range of expert services, we’re ready to provide “hands-on” advice from top industry professionals.